5-6 Dec 2018 Toulouse (France)

Atom interferometry

For the annual meeting of the Cold atoms GDR, a workshop dedicated to the use of cold atoms for interferometry is organized in Toulouse the 5th and  6th december 2018.

Invited speakers

Sébastien Merlet (SYRTE) - Improving the accuracy of atom gravimeters with ultra cold sources
Yannick Bidel (ONERA) - Cold atom interferometry: from ground to space
Baptiste Battelier (LP2N) - Inertial ultra-cold atom sensors for space applications and navigation
Thomas Lévèque (CNES) - Correlated atom accelerometers for mapping the earth gravity fiels from space
Alexandre Gauguet (LCAR) - Testing Atom Neutrality with Atom Interferometry
Naceur Gaaloul (HANNOVER) - State-of-the-art and challenges in sizeable large-momentum-transfer atom interferometry
Benjamin Canuel (LP2N) - Study of gravity with the MIGA large scale Atom Interferometer
Nicola Poli (LENS) - Atom interferometry with alkali-earth atoms
Juliette Billy (LCAR) - Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in time-dependent optical lattices
Pierre Cladé (LKB) - Atom’s Recoil in a distorted optical field
Stefan Gerlich (VIENNA) - Long Baseline Molecular Interferometry
Daniel Comparat (LAC) - Use of field gradient for interferometric measurements (with antimatter)
Benoît Darquié (LPL) - Testing the parity symmetry in cold chiral molecules using vibrational spectroscopy
Remi Geiger (SYRTE) - Proposal for a quantum test of the weak equivalence principle with entangled atom interferometers
Marc Cheneau (LCF IOGS) - Two-Atom Quantum Interferences
Andrea Bertoldi (LP2N) - Measurements-and-correction schemes in Atom Interferometry
Ana Rakonjac (DURHAM) - Interferometry with bright solitary matter waves


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